Katherine Levine Einstein Tim Iglesias

Replay: How to Manage Local Opposition to Housing and Reform the Public Meeting Process

A Talk by Tim Iglesias J.D. and Katherine Levine Einstein

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About this Talk

Tim Iglesias will present a practical and flexible approach to getting local government approvals for housing developments that face local opposition. Katherine Levine Einstein will show that public meetings surrounding housing development are unrepresentative of their broader communities, and discuss what advocates and policymakers can do about it.

About The Speakers

Tim Iglesias

Tim Iglesias J.D.

Professor, University of San Francisco School of Law

Professor, expert in housing and property law, and member of the California Fair Employment and Housing Council

Katherine Levine Einstein

Katherine Levine Einstein

Associate Professor of Political Science, Boston University

PhD, Government and Social Policy, Harvard University. B.A., Political Science, Yale University