Video Library

This is content that anyone who registers can immediately view for free. It includes a highly-acclaimed webinar, excerpts from national presentations, and case studies.

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Bill Barberg

Bill Barberg

President and Founder, InsightFormation Inc

David Erickson

David Erickson

Senior Vice President, Head of Outreach & Education, Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Designing Strategies using "Abundant and Multiplying Resources" (12 minutes)

Bill Barberg

Funding Affordable Housing by Selling Health (12 Minutes)

David Erickson

Creating Communities of Hope in Detroit (46 minutes)

Bill Barberg

April Webinar: Economical, Breakthrough Strategies to Increase Affordable Housing in Your Community

Bill Barberg

Implementing Your Strategy Using InsightVision

Bill Barberg

Using a Strategy Management System to Monitor Neighborhood Transformation (11 Minutes)

Bill Barberg